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Corporate Sustainability

福州眾印網(wǎng)    2007/5/26 10:58:00   來源:福州眾印網(wǎng)

  Corporate sustainability is in the news. In fact, one could say that corporate sustainability is the news. Nike, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Procter and Gamble, as well as other major customers of specialty imagers have issued press releases and developed web sites announcing their actions. But, what is sustainability?  How can it be defined, and most importantly, how do the efforts of these companies impact the operations of the typical specialty graphic imager? In the first of a series of feature articles on this topic, SGIA will begin to explore this issue, as well as offer suggestions that can be implemented by the printer. 

   On its web site, Wal-Mart offers its view of sustainability: “A revolution of innovation is needed to ensure that future generations can enjoy the same quality of life that we enjoy today. This cleaner, more efficient way is called 'Sustainability'.” Nike refers to its efforts as “Sustainable Product Innovation.”  This focus is applied to two long term goals: eliminating waste and eliminating toxics. Movement by Nike towards these two goals is movement towards sustainability. One can begin to see varying definitions on the same theme of sustainability. 

   Our first important concept – sustainability means something different to everyone. Corporate sustainability is driven by your products, your customers, and your technology. The goal of all efforts is to reduce your environmental footprint while sustaining your company as well as the community in which you live. Sustainability does not simply focus on environmental issues, but on larger societal and workplace issues as well.

   Sustainability is a smart way of doing business, one demanded by a competitive global economy. Sustainability means creating a better quality of life for all people, now and for generations to come, and using the planet's resources at a rate by which nature is able to replenish those resources. Prosperity, fairness and a healthy environment are interrelated – each of these elements can sustain its existence indefinitely only if the others are in balance. A sustainable business strives to achieve high standards by creating value for its investors, customers, suppliers, employees and the communities on which its business depends. It also ensures the preservation of the social and environmental systems it relies on for its resources. A sustainable company integrates and balances economic growth, social equity and environmental management into how it does business. This three part approach is often referred to as the as the “triple bottom line (TBL).”

   Second important concept – there is no silver bullet that a company can implement that will make it instantly sustainable. Recycling products and using less solvent in the workplace are worthy goals but do not create a sustainable company. A sustainable company is one that has developed a framework, a strategy, to integrate these three principles of economic growth, social equity and environmental management throughout the company’s operation. Do you have an environmental policy? Have you established a formal program to help you address these issues? How do you know if you are reducing your company’s environmental footprint?  Take a look at your customers' web sites.  You will find clear articulation of their goals and the process they will use to integrate sustainable business practices. 

   SGIA has long been an advocate of integrating environmental, safety and health decisions into the overall management principles found within a company.  Sustainability is the next step towards integrating business practices to work in harmony with sound environmental management practices. This allows the printer to reduce operation costs, gain a competitive advantage and maintain loyal customers and employees. Ultimately, a business seeks to create a strategy that integrates long term economic, environmental, and social issues into its business strategies. It has been said that sustainability will be successful because it is economically sound. 

   In 1998, SGIA embarked on a project with the US EPA’s Design for the Environment Program and developed the Integrated Environmental Management System specifically for specialty imaging firms. This program walks you, step by step, through the development of a management system that begins the process of integrating environmental, health and safety concepts into your corporate decision making process. It asks you to consider impacts on the environment outside your fence line, such as transportation, supply chain issues, and community relations. Adoption of an Environmental Management System can be your first step towards analyzing your environmental footprint.    And, most importantly, through adoption of such a program, you demonstrate commitment to your customers. Your commitment and support of their efforts to become more sustainable. 

   Take a deep breath. Start your journey with SGIA today. We believe that helping the industry adopt more sustainable business practices brings about a much more competitive industry. 

本文標題:Corporate Sustainability
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